Computer Vision Cores for Licensing

PRNewswire: CEVA announces that Rockchip, one of China’s low-cost SoC companies, has licensed the CEVA-XM4 imaging and vision DSP to enhance the imaging and computer vision capabilities of its’ SoC products for smartphones, ADAS, drones, robotics and other smart camera devices.

Rockchip will leverage the CEVA-XM4 for low-light enhancement, digital video stabilization, object detection and tracking, and 3D depth sensing. In addition, the CEVA-XM4 will enable Rockchip to use the deep learning technologies utilizing CEVA’s Deep Neural Network (CDNN2) software framework.

"Rockchip is determined to deliver ever-more compelling solutions for mobile and consumer devices, using the best-of-breed technologies available,” said Feng Chen, CMO of Rockchip. “The CEVA-XM4 imaging and vision processor and comprehensive software offering allows us to truly embrace the potential of computational photography, computer vision and machine learning in our product designs, seamlessly handling even the most complex use cases and algorithms.

CEVA and Rockchip have a long and successful partnership incorporating multiple generations of our imaging and vision DSPs shipping in tens of millions of Rockchip-based devices to date,” said Gideon Wertheizer, CEO of CEVA. “This latest agreement will enable Rockchip to significantly strengthen its offering in the exciting realm of computer vision and provide the platform with which they can improve the performance, power consumption and feature sets of their next-generation SoCs.

Synopsys publishes a video on its vision cores platform, too available for licensing:

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