Most Americans support trial or release from Gitmo: Reprieve comment

Guantánamo Camp Delta 1
Responding to today's YouGov poll, which suggested that 52% of Americans want the remaining prisoners at Guantánamo Bay to be either given a trial or released, Shelby Sullivan-Bennis, Reprieve U.S. attorney for detainees, said:

“Most Americans recognize that denying those in Guantánamo the same right to a fair trial provided those lucky enough to be in the United States flies in the face of justice.

"Guantánamo is an emblem of a dark period for our country. The Obama Administration must urgently take steps to shutter the prison, and charge or release its long-suffering inmates, while there’s still time.”

61 prisoners remain held at Guantánamo after the Administration released 15 cleared men - 12 Yemenis and 3 Afghans - to the United Arab Emirates on Monday.

Today's YouGov poll is here:

Source: Reprieve, August 19, 2016. Reprieve is an international human rights organization. Reprieve U.S., based in New York City, can be contacted on Katherine [dot] oshea [at] / +1 917 855 8064. Reprieve’s London office can be contacted on: communications [at] / +44 (0) 207 553 8140.

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