The police visit Caebrwyn

After four and half months I had a visit from the police today. I was not arrested nor spoken to under caution. The investigation into perverting the course of justice has been dropped as the evidential test was not met. I am not surprised. As I suspected, this criminal complaint, which also seems to have been made by Carmarthenshire Council chief executive Mr James, related to the libel judgement of High Court judge, Justice Tugendhat in March 2013.

The judge, in 2013, made this finding on a balance of probabilities, and in a civil court. That 'balance' was not based on any factual evidence whatsoever and was made simply on the whim of the judge as to who he decided to believe. It was this finding, a total miscarriage of justice, which led to the withdrawal of my legal insurance.
There is further comment, an extract from my closing statement in 2013, on the sidebar of this blog.
I now feel completely vindicated.

In March 2013 a local paper asked the police if they were investigating me for this alleged offence following the judgement, the police said "they were not aware of having to do anything around this".
Clearly, at some point since April 2016, over three years later, the chief executive decided that they did.

As for the complaint of harassment, I was issued with a Police warning notice. This was for alleged harassment of the chief executive, entirely in respect of this blog. It is utter nonsense. The alleged harassment appears to refer, in the main, to my reference to the unlawful payments scandal and wider comment and opinion.
The warning takes effect from today.

As this is not a legal notice nor a caution, there is no direct way to appeal it, however, I told the police that I did not accept, nor agree with, any part of it.

It will be business as usual.

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