Daily Mail: Orlando night club shooter's father is spotted grinning behind Hillary Clinton at rally in Florida
* Seddique Mateen sat behind the nominee in Kissimmee on Monday
* On Tuesday morning, Hillary said she was unaware of his presence and denied he had been invited
* His son Omar killed 49 people at nearby Pulse nightclub on June 12
* He watched in the crowd as Hillary paid tribute to the victims of the attack
* Mateen later said he attended the event because he is supporting Clinton
* He added that he was a member of the Democrats and had been 'invited'
* 'It's a Democratic party, so everyone can join,' he told a reporter
* Mateen condemned his son's actions in the wake of the shooting
* But he also said homosexuality should be 'punished by God'
The father of the Orlando nightclub shooter has been spotted sitting behind Hillary Clinton at her rally in Florida.
Seddique Mateen, whose son Omar killed 49 people at Pulse nightclub on June 12, was seen grinning as he watched the Democratic presidential nominee speak in Kisssimmee.
The former secretary of state started her address to the crowd on Monday by paying tribute to the victims of the horrific terrorist attack that shocked the world just two months ago.
She was speaking at the Osceola Heritage Park - which is just a 30 minute drive from where the worst mass shooting in American history took place.
Mateen, a pro-Taliban political activist, later said he was there because he's a member of the Democrats and had been 'invited'.
Read more ....
The Democrat Campaign
Father of Orlando shooter attends Clinton rally, touts candidate -- FOX News
Why Orlando Shooter's Father Was Able to Attend Clinton Rally -- ABC News
Clinton says she will participate in the three presidential debates -- Reuters
Clinton spends big on Olympic ads, with Trump on sidelines -- AP
Clinton Campaign Now Outspending Trump on Ads -- $52 Million to 0 -- NBC
Clinton chair accuses Trump of debate 'shenanigans' -- USA Today
Clinton scores major GOP donor from Trump -- Politico
FBI probe of Clinton's emails prompted by espionage fears, secret letters say -- VICE News
Two Benghazi Parents Sue Hillary Clinton for Wrongful Death, Defamation -- NBC
New Clinton email fight: Bill Clinton's schedules -- Politico
FOX News' Medical Team: What Do Hillary Clinton's Neurological Records Show? -- Real Clear Politics
The Republican Campaign
Trump Suggests 'Second Amendment People' Could Stop Clinton -- Bloomberg
Trump 'Second Amendment' Quip Seen as Veiled Threat Against Clinton -- NBC
Trump says he’ll participate in three presidential debates, but suggests he’ll still pick fight over details -- New York Daily News
Trump: I will attend three debates but could negotiate terms -- The Hill
Analysis: Trump campaign has spent $0 on television advertising -- The Hill
Trump: Without ID law, voters will vote '15 times' for Clinton -- Politico
Without evidence, Trump suggests Clinton-scientist link -- AP
Trump faces fresh GOP pushback despite bid to reset campaign -- AP
Trump critics urge RNC to replace Trump in special meeting -- AP
Icahn praises Trump economic plan, says candidate will get blue-collar vote -- Reuters
General Election Coverage
Fox Business latest channel to host Libertarian town hall -- Politico
This Latino Republican will support Libertarian Gary Johnson -- Washington Post
Who is the Green Party's Jill Stein, really? -- The Hill
CNN schedules Green Party forum for Aug. 17 -- Washington Post
Trump flops with Silicon Valley donors; Clinton falls short, too -- Reuters
Trump underspends Clinton on TV ads, relying on social media: NBC -- Reuters
China ridicules Trump's criticism of its trade practices -- AP
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials
Brace Yourself For an Even Uglier Campaign -- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post
Kaine vs. Pence: Here's what the vice presidential candidates bring to their respective tickets. -- Politico
Hillary Clinton's boring, pedestrian, meat and potatoes, news-free — and relentlessly effective — campaign -- Byron York, Washington Examiner
CNN leads unhinged media in attacks on Trump disguised as ‘reporting’ -- Charles Hurt, Washington Times
Why the media treats Donald Trump differently -- Paul Waldman, The Week
Five reasons Trump is losing GOP on national security -- Jordan Fabian, The Hill
The 2016 Race Isn’t About Issues. It’s About Character. -- Todd Purdum, Politico
Hillary Clinton’s Embrace of Kissinger Is Inexcusable -- Greg Grandin, The Nation
Trump vs. Trump -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
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