Huffington Post: The Battle for Mosul
The battle for Mosul is pending. It is likely to start later than its October deadline, however, take longer to fight than anticipated, and will likely result in the destruction of much of the city. Even if the campaign is ultimately successful, it will not bring an end to the violence that has plagued Iraq; it will simply open a new chapter in the continuing sectarian violence and political instability that plagues it.
Moreover, regardless of its outcome, it will prove to be a far-reaching human tragedy for hundreds of thousands of its inhabitants. Baghdad does not have the billions that will be required for its reconstruction nor is it prepared to deal with the onslaught of refugees that the fighting will create
The campaign itself will be hard fought against a tenacious enemy that will unleash even more new battlefield horrors and will be hampered by political divisions and sectarian conflicts and by the absence of a unified command structure.
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WNU Editor: What we are now seeing in Aleppo will probably be repeated in the battle for Mosul .... but with an American imprint.
More News On The Upcoming Battle For Mosul
Push for Iraq’s Mosul to start ‘in a few weeks’: UK -- AFP
Coalition drive to recapture Mosul from Isis to begin ‘in weeks’ -- Financial Times
Iraqi Army, Kurds Militia's Op to Liberate Mosul From Daesh May Start Oct 19 -- Sputnik
US Marine general predicts Mosul offensive is near -- The Hill
British jets bomb Daesh in Mosul offensive -- Midle East Monitor
Coalition airstrikes near Mosul, Raqqa -- RUDAW
Iraq Oil Fires could Jeopardize Mosul Mission -- AP
No Foreign Troops Will Participate in Iraq's Mosul Liberation - Reports -- Sputnik
US Military: IS Turning Mosul Into ‘Hell on Earth’ -- VOA
In battle for Iraq's Mosul, many forces with many motives -- AP
Uncertainty Roils Planning for Mosul Liberation -- Washington Free Beacon
On the Front Lines Approaching the ISIS-Occupied Metropolis of Mosul -- Daily Beast
The Coming Crisis In Mosul -- Dexter Filkins, New Yorker
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