Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 23, 2016

Washington Post: Pakistan military prepares for a possible Indian attack

ISLAMABAD — Military officials are calling it a routine exercise, but the thunderous spectacle of Pakistani fighter jets touching down on a major highway Wednesday and Thursday, with commercial flights suspended and traffic blocked for hours, has fueled public speculation that something much more ominous is afoot.

The display of military readiness, which included a late-night jet flyover Thursday above this capital city, has come amid an unusually tense showdown with India, Pakistan’s nuclear-armed rival, following a militant attack Sunday that killed 18 Indian soldiers in the disputed border region of Kashmir. The air exercise led to the closure of commercial airspace over several regions of the country and triggered a sudden drop in the nation’s stock market.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 23, 2016

Pentagon requests 500 more U.S. troops ahead of Mosul battle -- UPI

EXCLUSIVE: ISIS ‘Will Fight to the Death’ for Mosul, Says Top Peshmerga General -- Defense One

Admiral Kuznetsov Carrier Steps In to Support Russia's Anti-Daesh Ops in Syria -- Sputnik

Russian troops arrive in Pakistan for 1st-ever joint drill -- RT

Russian diplomat urges new treaty on conventional arms in Europe -- TASS

Russia will not deploy nuclear weapons abroad — ministry -- TASS

THAAD In Korean Peninsula: Russian Military To Take US Missile System Into Account -- IBTimes

Iran says it warned away US spy plane intent on overflight -- RT

Iranian General: Iran has at its disposal piles of missiles capable of hitting the enemy -- TASS

North Korea-Iran Missile Cooperation -- 38 Norh

France Nears Decision on Frigate Designs -- Defense News

India Inks Deal With France for 36 Rafale Fighter Jets -- Defense news

US, India Said to be Nearing Javelin Co-Production Agreement -- Defense News

Indonesian military trains on Australian soil for first time since Timor crisis -- ABC News Online

Sweden's Re-militarization of Gotland is Both Symbolic and Strategic -- RCD

After ‘Brexit,’ E.U. Revives Idea of Its Own Joint Military Command -- NYT

British Typhoon's Intercept Russian Bombers Near Shetlands -- The Telegraph

NATO Air Chief Sees Rising Demand for Virtual F-35 Training -- DoD Buzz

Lockheed's PAC-3 missile destroys ballistic missile targets in test -- UPI

Northrop delivers sonar upgrade kits to U.S. Navy -- UPI

An Invisible Ship's Obvious Problems: High-Tech US Stealth Destroyer Breaks Down -- Sputnik

Obama Kept Military Out of the Loop on Cash Payments to Iran -- Bloomberg

Top US general: 'Troubling' that Iran military will get US cash -- The Hill

House passes bill preventing future cash payments to Iran -- The Hill

House Panel: $1 Trillion Needed to Reboot Military -- and Stripes

Pentagon's Robotic Exosuit Program Making Strides -- National Defense

U.S. Navy sailor dies of non-combat injury off Libya -- UPI

Military failed to conduct background checks on civilians in base housing, putting troops at risk -- Military Times

From Trumpnator to Princess Sparklepony: Here are the 4,600 names submitted for the Air Force bomber contest -- Washington Examiner

Preparing for the Next Big War -- Rachel Ansley, RCD/Atlantic Council

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