The Defense Intelligence Agency linked to a NYTimes article about the incident and wrote, 'Classy as always China' to its 83,000 followers before deleting the tweet
About four hours later, the DIA issued an apology and said the offending tweet was 'mistakenly psoted'
Slate: Spy Agency Sends, Deletes Snarky Tweet on Protocol Spat: “Classy as Always China”
The Defense Intelligence Agency may have one of the most boring Twitter feeds in Washington. The spy agency that operates inside the Pentagon carries out such secretive work that its Twitter feed really is just a way to publicize events. Things took a different turn on Saturday, when the verified account sent out a sarcastic tweet: “Classy as always China,” read the message that linked to a New York Times piece about the tensions that flared between U.S. and Chinese officials when Barack Obama landed in Hangzhou.
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WNU Editor: They should have let the Tweet stand. The Chinese government is broadcasting and making public remarks that are far worse.
More News On The DIA Deleting And Apologising To The Chinese Over A Tweet
US spy agency tweets China 'classy as always,' apologizes -- The Hill
US-China diplomacy: Spy agency tweet adds to protocol spat -- BBC
U.S. Spy Agency Tweets, Deletes, Then Apologizes -- WSJ
'Classy as always China': Cheeky tweet from US spy agency after awkward moment at G20 summit -- The Telegraph
'Classy as always China': US spy agency 'mistakenly' tweets a photo of Obama using his own stairs to get off Air Force amid tensions at G20 -- Daily Mail
Spy agency tweets its way into China tiff -- CNN
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