Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 15, 2016

The Hill: U.S. Defense officials skeptical of military options in Aleppo

Some U.S. defense officials are skeptical that U.S. military power can help as the White House deliberates how to alleviate the suffering Syrian city of Aleppo.

Syrian regime forces, backed by Russian airpower, have completely encircled the opposition rebels in eastern Aleppo, along with about 250,000 civilians, who are running out of food and water.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 15, 2016

Obama meets with national security team on Syria, Islamic State. -- Reuters

Army to Deploy 1st Infantry Division Soldiers to Iraq --

Pentagon Urgently Pushing Anti-Drone Tech to ISIS Fight -- Defense One

Afghan Forces’ Battlefield Casualties Worry NATO -- VOA

Russian warships to sail through Channel amid Syria tensions with UK -- The Guardian

Russia Preparing For War? Russian Military Breaks Sound Barrier With Supersonic Fighter Bomber -- IBTimes

Kremlin: Russia faces unprecedented cyber-threats from the US -- RT

After Turkey's overture to Russia, US missile firms could be left in the cold -- Washington Examiner

China warns 'hostile forces' trying to undermine military reform -- Reuters

S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems delivery to India can begin in 2020 -- RT

Japan defense contractors get to grips with foreign military buyers -- Reuters

Baltic States, Poland ‘Distrust’ NATO on Responding to Russian Invasion -- Washington Free Beacon

NATO Leaders Give Cautious Welcome to EU Defense Plans -- Defense News

Italy to send 140 troops to NATO mission in Latvia -- Reuters

British navy sends robots to sea in military exercise -- PC World

Poland Likely to Award Sub Deal to Saab -- Defense News

'Security Union': The greatest threat to the EU comes from within -- DW

US Special Ops using mobile app to battle ISIS jihadis -- Express

Marines May Base 300-Man Rotational Force in Norway --

The US Military Is Shedding Civilian Jobs. It Has No Idea How Much Money It’s Actually Saving -- Defense One

Lockheed Reveals GBSD Partners; Northrop, Boeing Silent -- Defense News

The Pentagon Wants to Use Bitcoin Technology to Protect Nuclear Weapons -- Popular Mechanics

USS Freedom Crew CO Relieved Of Duty After Investigation Into Engine Damage -- USNI News

This man might run the Pentagon if Donald Trump wins -- Washington Post

Former Air Force missileers: Keep Trump away from nukes -- Air Force Times

CPOs or just chiefs? Navy guidance leaves sailors confused -- Navy Times

'We didn't kill Osama bin Laden because of Hillary Clinton': Former Navy SEAL blasts the Democrat he's 'never met' for using raid to make money -- Daily Mail

How politicizing the military puts national security at risk -- James A. Lyons, Washington Times

Cruise missile attacks on Navy ships will likely warrant rare combat ribbons -- Military Times

Behind closed doors, the U.S. military scrutinizes modern cases of valor for new Medals of Honor -- Washington Post

The F35: A 21st Century Coalition Asset -- Will Edwards, Cipher Brief

Where the Money Is: It's no secret that the Pentagon's war fund is simply a slush fund. -- US News and World Report

The Pentagon Must Stop Abusing the War Budget -- William D. Hartung, National Interest

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