Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 24, 2016

Wall Street Journal: Russians Conduct Nuclear-Bomb Survival Drills as Cold War Heats Up

Bomb shelters are upgraded, gas masks tested amid strained relations between Putin and U.S.

MOSCOW—Russian authorities have stepped up nuclear-war survival measures amid a showdown with Washington, dusting off Soviet-era civil-defense plans and upgrading bomb shelters in the biggest cities.

At the Kremlin’s Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Cold War is back.

The country recently held its biggest civil defense drills since the collapse of the U.S.S.R., with what officials said were 40 million people rehearsing a response to chemical and nuclear threats.

Videos of emergency workers deployed in hazmat suits or checking the ventilation in bomb shelters were prominently aired on television when the four days of drills were held across the country. Students tried on gas masks and placed dummies on stretchers in school auditoriums.

The capital’s civil-defense plans are also being upgraded, said Andrey Mishchenko, deputy head of the ministry.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 24, 2016

Pentagon chief Ash Carter visits Iraq to see commanders, assess Mosul fight -- AP

Pentagon head makes surprise trip to Iraq -- The Hill

US Special Ops Targeting ISIS Leadership in Mosul: Pentagon -- Fiscal Times/Defense One

US Army keeping wary eye on Russia -- The Hill

First Image of RS-28 Sarmat, Russia's Largest-Ever ICBM, Unveiled (PHOTO) -- Sputnik

Developer shows first image of Russia's new Sarmat ballistic missile -- TASS

Russia’s New Look Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter to Tote New, Better Missiles -- Sputnik

Russia Calls Military Drill on Disputed Kuril Islands -- Damien Sharkov, Newsweek

Chinese warships make first visit to Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay as South China Sea tensions simmer -- Japan Times

Why Russia and China Fear America's Seawolf-Class Submarines -- National Interest

Israel Preparing to Buy More Nuclear-Capable Submarines -- Sputnik

Will India's New SSBN Lead to Strategic Instability in South Asia? -- Robert Farley, The Diplomat

Taiwan to build subs amid Asian geopolitical shifts -- Nikkei Asian Review

UK Royal Navy’s first nuclear deterrent submarine to be named Dreadnought -- Naval-Technology

UK, Japan Air Forces to Hold First Joint Drills on Monday -- Sputnik

U.S. General Blames Death Toll For Afghan Forces On Poor Afghan Leadership -- RFE

Air Force Reaper to Get New Weapons; Increased Arsenal Will Enable the Reaper to Destroy Smaller, Moving Targets -- Scout Warrior

The U.S. Army Is Testing Aim-Stabilized Weapons -- Popular Mechanics

Can’t Fix the F-35? US Navy, Air Force Look Towards 6th Gen Fighter Instead -- Sputnik

Meet the Air Force's first enlisted drone pilots -- Air Force Times

Stealth destroyer Zumwalt sets off on voyage to new homeport -- Navy Times

Marines want new technologies to take enemy beaches -- Marine Times

Pentagon Procurement Chief Fires Back at Critics, Hails Performance of Defense Acquisition System -- National Defense

Military’s $4B moving program keeps climbing — and no one knows why -- Alaska Public

U.S. Soldiers Told To Repay Thousands In Signing Bonuses From Height Of War Effort -- NPR

Lawmakers blast Pentagon over 'boneheaded' clawback of improper military bonuses -- FOX News

Sailor Killed in Mosul Was Attached to SEAL Team --

Report: 10 U.S. soldiers requesting gender identity change -- The Hill

How the Navy, Marines Help After a Natural Disaster (Video) -- USNI News

A look at some of America’s boldest, most ambitious military operations since World War II -- New York Daily News

Trump and Clinton on Military and Defense -- AP

Poll: Troops doubt next president can fix the military's top issues -- Military Times

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