Retired Russian General's Warning To The West: 'If You Want A Confrontation, You'll Get One Everywhere'

"Everything is changing" says the screen behind news presenter Dmitry Kiselyov

BBC: Russia's top spin doctor in nuclear warning

Russian state TV host Dmitry Kiselyov has a reputation for attacking the West.

Critics call him the "Kremlin's chief propagandist". And like many other top Russian officials, he is on the Western sanctions blacklist.

But the warning he delivered to Washington in last night's edition of his show News of the Week was, even for him, particularly dramatic. "Impudent behaviour" towards Russia may have "nuclear" consequences, he said.

"A Russian takes a long time to harness a horse, but then rides fast," said the news anchor, quoting a famous Russian saying.

By "riding fast", Kiselyov was referring to a string of recent Russian military deployments:

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Update: Russia to the US: If you want a confrontation, 'you'll get one everywhere' (Business Insider)

WNU Editor: This BBC post quotes Fyodor Lukyanov (Editor-in-Chief of Russia in Global Affairs) who says what I have been saying for the past 2 or 3 years ....

...."this is the most dangerous situation since the Cold War". "In the Cold War, confrontation was based on understanding of 'red lines'. Today this is not the case.

This absence of red lines and "back-channels" is disturbing .... for it is the "red lines" and "back-channels" that probably helped us avoid a nuclear war during the first Cold War.

As for Russian state TV host Dmitry Kiselyov and retired Lt Gen Yevgeny Buzhinsky .... their message is now being said by many others .... both in public and private. Does this disturb me .... yes .... and what is even more disturbing is that I see this same sentiment growing in the West .... an eagerness for a confrontation.

Update #2: Russia's top propagandist says US behaviour could have 'nuclear' implications (The Independent).

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