Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg: 6 Problems With U.S. Intel on the Russian Hacks
America's intelligence-gathering bodies all agree that Russia interfered with last year's U.S. election by various means. But the public account of what happened is strikingly defective. The danger is that erroneous policy responses could result. As talk of retaliation escalates, getting the story right is critical -- both for the incoming Trump administration and also since Europe is now on high alert that Moscow may meddle in this year's key elections.
It's hard for someone who follows Russia and cybersecurity issues closely not to conclude from the declassified report that the intelligence services were under pressure in producing it. The narrative in the unclassified report is full of holes. One can only hope that the classified version has a good deal more chapter and verse.
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WNU Editor: I can only hope that the classified version is far more detailed and revealing than what was released last week .... but don't hold your breath .... we are not going to see that report .... State Department Says Presenting Evidence Of Russian Hacking Would Be "Irresponsible" (Zero hedge).
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