Negative News Reports On President-Elect Trump Has Not Impacted His Support Among His Base

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump poses for a photo after an interview with Reuters in his office in Trump Tower, in the Manhattan borough of New York City, U.S., May 17, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

The Guardian: The Trump dossier doesn't faze his voters: 'I haven't been following that'

Supporters of the president-elect direct a similar ire toward media despite a week of sensational allegations and the reveleation of potential ties to Russia.

After a week of scurrilous and sensational claims, the life-size cardboard cutouts of Donald Trump were, like the man himself, still standing tall.

The president-elect’s name and image are everywhere at the Trump Cafe, a small-town Texas restaurant that, with an instinct for self-promotion worthy of the Donald himself, renamed itself in his honor during the campaign. Of course, it also adopted an “All-American” menu.

Naming a restaurant after Trump would be a divisive act in much of the country, but not in Bellville. The town, with a population of about 4,000, is the seat of Austin County, which Trump carried with 79% of the vote.

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WNU Editor: The main stream media did not understand Trump's attraction to voters during the primaries ..... and they certainly did not understand him during the election. And now .... on the cusp of him becoming the 45th President of The United States .... their ignorance on Trump's appeal becomes even more apparent. And the more they attack him .... the more that they are perceived as being biased and not treating the President-elect favourably .... to the point that they are now no longer believed. This is unfortunate ..... because there are many questions that do deserve an answer from the President-elect ... and the press is the only institution that can ask him directly. Case in point .... the qustioning from the press should be this .... will he release his tax returns, how will he finance a major military buildup without busting the deficit to even higher levels, how to pay for the trillion dollar infrastructure policy, whta is his China, his Russia policy, whats to become of the thousands of U.S. forces who are now in combat or in an advisory role in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and dozens of other countrues. How will he resolve his conflicts of interest with his corporate holdings, what specifically is his domestic agenda, policies on energy/oil, climate change (maintain or reverse), etc. etc. etc.. Instead .... everyone is wasting their time on a Russian dossier that cannot be proven .... and (I predict) .... probably on this in the coming months .... Donald Trump ‘highly likely’ to face impeachment within first 18 months as US President, expert warns (The Independent).

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