Popular Mechanics: Chinese Man Used a Hand Grenade to Crack Walnuts for 25 Years
That's one way to snack.
A villager in China unknowingly used a hand grenade to crack walnuts for a quarter century, only realizing his potentially fatal mistake when he spotted the grenade on a government flyer.
The man, whose surname is Ran and who lives in Shaanxi province, claimed that a friend gave him the grenade in the early 1980s. Not having any idea what it was, he used it to crack open walnuts.
The nutcracker in this case was a Chinese Type 67 defensive hand grenade. The grenade is a so-called "stick" grenade, also known as a "potato masher." Invented by the German Army in World War I, stick grenades contain an explosive charge in one end of the weapon. A pull string runs through the length of the handle and is concealed by a screw-on cap on the other end of the grenade. Pulling on the string ignites the fuze, and the grenade is then thrown at the enemy.
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WNU Editor: This is what I would call "living on the edge".
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