These Are The Cheapest Places To Buy Drugs, Alcohol And Cigarettes In The World

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Bloomberg: These Are the World’s Cheapest Places to Buy Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes

Indulging in a weekly habit of drugs, booze and cigarettes can cost you as little as $41.40 in Laos and a whopping $1,441.50 in Japan, according to the Bloomberg Vice Index.

Bloomberg compared the price of a basket of goods — tobacco, alcohol, amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine and opioids — in more than 100 countries relative to the U.S., where your fix of the vices adds up to almost $400, or about a third of the weekly income.

In terms of absolute costs, the cheapest prices can be found in Congo, Honduras and Laos. On the other end of the scale, Japan is the most expensive with New Zealand and Australia right behind. A market basket runs below $100 in 18 countries, all of which are emerging or frontier markets from Peru to Cambodia. Many of these places are in proximity to the source, such as the Golden Triangle of opium-producing region of Asia.

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WNU Editor: One of the fringe benefits when I was a diplomat was that I was exempted from paying taxes. Sighhhh .... a carton of Malboros for $7US, Bacardi Rum (40oz) .... $6 US. Couvoisier Cognac VSOP $20 US.

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