Could Marine Le Pen Win The French Presidential Election?

AFP: Yes, Le Pen could win in France

Paris (AFP) - With the polls narrowing and one of her main rivals embroiled in an expenses scandal, far-right leader Marine Le Pen could feasibly become French president in May, senior politicians and commentators say.

At the headquarters of her National Front (FN) party in Nanterre outside Paris, officials believe the same forces that led to the Brexit vote in Britain and Donald Trump's victory in the United States could carry Le Pen to power.

Even some of her rivals concede a victory for the far-right firebrand is possible.

"I think Madame Le Pen could be elected," former conservative prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said this month.

Another former premier, the Socialist Manuel Valls, has also warned of the "danger" of assuming that Le Pen cannot win.

Polls show that support for the 48-year-old anti-immigrant and anti-EU candidate has been consistent for four years now.

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WNU Editor: I do not expect her to win .... today. The entire establishment, media, special interest groups, etc. .... they are all against her .... and if she does make the final Presidential round, a coalition will form consisting of everyone to defeat her. But .... she does have a chance. There is a recognition within France that the established parties have failed the country, and almost all of the polls are consistent when asked if the country is in the right direction .... the answer is overwhelmingly no. That is why her message is resonating with a lot of people .... but is it enough to make her President .... we shall see.

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