Is The News Media Now Ignoring The Trump - Russian Hack Story?

Andrew McCarthy, NRO: While You Weren’t Looking, the Democrat–Media Election-Hacking Narrative Just Collapsed

That supposed FBI investigation of collusion with the Russians? Never mind . . .

They’re in retreat now. You may have missed it amid President Trump’s startling Saturday tweet storm, the recriminations over president-on-candidate spying, and the Jeff Sessions recusal — a whirlwind weekend. But while you weren’t looking, an elaborate narrative died.

For months, the media-Democrat complex has peddled a storyline that the Putin regime in Russia hacked the U.S. presidential election. There is, of course, no evidence that the election was hacked in the sense that the actual voting process was compromised. Rather, there is evidence that e-mail accounts of prominent Democrats were hacked months before the election, and thousands of those e-mails were published by WikiLeaks in the months leading up to the election.

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WNU Editor: It is interesting that I posted this story yesterday that outlines the contradictions that are now coming out of the main stream media's coverage of the Trump - Russian story .... This Is Why I No Longer Trust The New York Times (March 6, 2017) .... and later in the day Andrew McCarthy posted the above and similar story in National Review (and no .... I have no contacts with NRO or Andrew McCarthy .... the NRO link was emailed to me by a reader this morning).

Andrew McCarthy's analysis is correct .... the news media's narrative on Trump officials in discussion with Russian officials before and after the election .... and the role that Russia played in the election .... and the need to investigate this .... has disappeared. And I can understand why. President Trump's accusation at President Obama that he bugged his campaign is an incredibly explosive accusation .... and it is the media .... primarily the New York Times and Washington Post .... who now find themselves in a bind. Someone gave them multiple intercepted phone calls and transcripts of discussions involving the Trump campaign .... but the FBI and intel chiefs are now saying that there was no investigation or surveillance of then candidate Trump or his campaign. So who gave these intercepted phone calls and discussions of President Trump to the press? The tooth fairy? I doubt it. And after this week's denials from former President Obama officials that President Trump's accusations are bogus .... denials that people like Andrew McCarthy (again) are pointing out should raise eyebrows .... The Obama Camp’s Disingenuous Denials on FISA Surveillance of Trump (Andrew McCarthy, NRO) .... this story is getting bigger.

Update #1: Former Watergate Reporter Bob Woodward is deeply suspicious on what President Obama knew and did (see here at the 6:20 mark).

Update #2: This is the question that no one in the main stream media wants to pursue .... Did Obama spy on Trump? (Glenn Reynolds, USA Today).

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