Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 14, 2017

Julia Ioffe, The Atlantic: How the Syria Strike Flipped the U.S.-Russia Power Dynamic

If Moscow had grown accustomed to being the unpredictable partner in the relationship, it will have to make adjustments.

MOSCOW—The American airstrike on the Shayrat air base in Syria didn’t do all that much. A day and 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles later, Bashar al-Assad was still in power, his planes were still taking off from Shayrat, still flying and still dropping bombs and killing people in the same areas of Idlib Province where a sarin gas attack killed more than 80 people last week. What the strike did do, though, was radically alter the power dynamic between Moscow and Washington that Vladimir Putin had spent the last three years establishing: one in which Putin acts and Washington, gobsmacked, scrambles to react.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 14, 2017

The Day the U.S. Strikes North Korea -- Tom Rogan, Daily Beast

Can Trump’s brash business style pull us back from the brink of nuclear war? -- Peter Guy, South China Morning Post

North Korea in for Some Trump-style Shock and Awe -- John Hemmings, Lowy Institute

US Syria strategy begins in Iraq -- Lawrence Sellin, Washington Examiner

Fighting Islamic State -- Lisa Beyer, Bloomberg

Turkey could be about to leap from division to despotism -- Elif Shafak, The Guardian

Turkey’s President Erdogan has gone to extremes to win Sunday’s referendum. Here’s why. -- Melina Dunham and Lisel Hintz, Washington Post

Is Iran Next? -- Sean P. Morrisroe, RCD

Six questions about the French elections -- Joshua Cole, AP

Greece’s economic agony will go on and on -- James Kirchick, CapX

South Ossetia: Voters Opt Against the Kremlin Favorite -- Irina Kelekhsayeva and Joshua Kucera,

How the Soviet Union Thought Itself to Death -- Anthony D'Agostino, National Interest

Do Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have too much power? -- Henry F. Carey, AP

Reality Descends Upon the White House -- Allison Fedirka, Geopoltiical Futures

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