North Korea's military parade Saturday in Pyongyang marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of founder Kim Il Sung. (Photo: Reuters/Newscom)
Salvatore Babones, Al Jazeera: Will China intervene in North Korea?
If China intervenes in North Korea, it would not to be to save Kim Jong-un.
North Korea is in the headlines - again. For a small, poor country of 25 million people, it sure does make a lot of news. This time it's the perennial issue of nuclear testing. North Korea has tested five nuclear devices since 2006. Donald Trump is in no mood to allow a sixth.
Just days before his Florida summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump vowed that "if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will." Then, just after the summit, he backed up his pledge by ordered an aircraft carrier strike group to the region.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 16, 2017
Why Is North Korea Building ICBMs? Ask Michael Corleone -- Harry J. Kazianis, National Interest
Failure to sanction China helped North Korea, former officials say -- Josh Meyer, Politico
China's dilemma over North Korea on show at border -- Philip Wen, Reuters
The Possible Upsides of Korea Crisis -- James Carafano, Daily Signal
MOABs win battles but they don't win wars -- C August Elliott, ABC News Online
America and Iran are jostling for influence over Iraq -- The Economist
Syria: The Hidden Power of Iran -- Joost Hiltermann, New York Review Of Books
Is America's Alliance with Turkey Doomed? -- Sukru Hanioglu, National Interest
War, Terrorism, and the Christian Exodus from the Middle East -- Robin Wright, The New Yorker
Coptic Christians’ Endless Struggle for Survival in Egypt -- Samuel Tadros, NRO
Isis and al-Qaeda are little more than glorified drug cartels, and their motivation is money not religion -- Hiba Khan, The Independent
Who Runs the World? Mid-Level Bureaucrats -- Hady Amr & Scott Lasensky, Foreign Policy
New Poll Puts Merkel, CDU Back Up as Election Nears -- Milan Gagnon, RCW
The Second Year of Europe -- Richard N. Haass, Project Syndicate
Why Trump's palace intrigue matters -- Linda Feldmann, CSM
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