Has President Trump Abandoned His 'No More Wars Of Choice' Promise?

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Charleston, West Virginia, U.S. May 5, 2016. (REUTERS/Chris Tilley)

Ron Maxwell, Breitbart: America Last?

Donald Trump ran and won on a platform summarized by the slogan America First.

Donald Trump campaigned on a promise of no more wars of choice: no military interventions to liberate other countries, to intervene in so-called “humanitarian” crusades, to force regime change, to coercively spread democracy, or to take sides in other people’s wars or civil wars.

In summation, our military would be used only in the defense of our own country or our closest allies. This was the promise. This was the commitment to the American people made over and over again. It was contrasted with the same old, same old, discredited, interventionist policies embodied first by Jeb Bush, and most of Trump’s primary adversaries, and later by Hillary Clinton.

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WNU Editor: Could not have said it any better.

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