Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 4, 2017

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, The Guardian: For once, Putin is doing the right thing for Syria

The Russian president is partly responsible for the carnage in Syria. But after six years of civil war, humanitarian safe zones would be a step forward

Once again it appears Vladimir Putin has seized the strategic high ground and initiative in Syria, as he declared yesterday that he has broad agreement for humanitarian safe zones across Syria after discussions with Donald Trump, Turkey and Iran.

He claims he can enable the ceasefire brokered in Astana some weeks ago, which currently is an abject failure, by creating no-fly zones with the Russian, Turkish, Iranian and US militaries protecting safe zones on the ground. He also, thankfully, acknowledges that UN troops might be required.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 4, 2017

History of U.S.-Iran Relations Points to Bad End Game -- Peter Huessy, RCD

China Repeats West's Mistakes in Pakistan -- Mihir Sharma, Bloomberg

U.S.-China Rapprochement Under President Trump? -- Yun Sun, The Diplomat

US missile defense: Getting to 'ready' on North Korea threat -- CSM

America’s Uneasy Choices in Afghanistan -- Ehsan M. Ahrari, Yale Global

A Tale of Three Libyas -- Bennett Seftel, Cipher Brief

Greater Albania - bogeyman or a pipe dream? -- DW

French election: How Marine Le Pen could win even if she polls below 50 per cent -- Serge Galam, ABC News Online

Venezuela protests show no signs of letting up amid constitutional change -- DW

Venezuela Is Turning into Libya -- Scott B. MacDonald, National Interest

The end of autocracy in Venezuela? -- Maryhen Jimenez Morales, Al Jazeera

Mexico’s Drug Violence Spikes Again -- Ted Galen Carpenter, National Interest

Why is coca production on the rise in Colombia? -- Ross Eventon, Al Jazeera

As cyber warfare turns 10, the West risks falling behind -- Peter App, Reuters

Are government leakers bringing about the end of secrets? -- Jack Detsch, CSM

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