Iran: Call to Save the Lives of Ten Young Inmates on Death Row; 27-year-old sentenced to hand amputation

Iran: Medieval and barbaric punishments
Iran: Medieval and barbaric punishments
A 27-year-old has been sentenced to amputation

Saturday morning of April 29, henchmen in Gohardasht prison in Karaj attacked some of the wards of this prison and transferred 10 young prisoners to solitary confinement for execution. 

The brutal attack, which was to intimidate prisoners and prevent their protests, was led by criminals such as Yousef Mardi, the head of intelligence security at the prison, Major Zolfali, chief of police and prison guards, and the head of Ward 10.

In another incident, on April 27, the mullahs' judiciary sentenced a 27 year-old prisoner to amputation of his hand on charges of theft. Another accused in this case is a young man who was forced to steal out of extreme poverty to provide the cost of dialysis of his two children who suffer from kidney disease.

On April 18, a prisoner was executed in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz while his hand was amputated by the executioners 10 days before it.

The cruel death penalty for young people who are victims of this repressive and corrupt regime is carried out while during infighting of factions within the regime, every day a portion of astronomical plundering including plunder of $ 3 billion and several hundred million by favorites of the supreme leader is revealed.

The Iranian Resistance calls to save the lives of 10 young inmates on death row and to prevent amputation of hands of inmates, and asks all international human rights organizations to condemn these crimes and to take immediate and effective measures to stop them. 

Any economic and political ties with this inhumane regime that is the source of all the tragedies and sufferings of the Iranian people and the region should be made conditional upon improving the human rights situation in Iran.

Source: NCRI, April 30, 2017

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