U.S. Deploys High-Altitude Drones To Spy On North Korea

RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft. © U.S. Air Force / Bobbi Zapka / Reuters

Japan Times: U.S. deploys Guam-based high-altitude surveillance drone to Yokota base

An RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance drone arrived at Yokota Air Base Monday night, starting a five-month operation in Tokyo, the U.S. base announced.

The U.S. Air Force’s Global Hawk drone is expected to survey ballistic missiles and nuclear facilities in North Korea, which have fueled political tensions over the past month.

The aircraft is part of the 69th Reconnaissance Group Detachment 1 and provides near real-time aerial imagery reconnaissance support to U.S. and partner nations, according to the base’s website.

Four more Global Hawks are slated to be deployed to the base. A total of 110 staff members, including mechanics, are set to be stationed there in a related move.

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WNU Editor: I guess these drones are to complement the spy planes that are already operating in the region .... These Are The U.S. Spy And Surveillance Planes Watching North Korea (April 16, 2017).

More News On The U.S. Deploying High-Altitude Drones To Spy On North Korea

US Deploys Reconaissance Aircraft to Air Base in Japan -- KBS World Radio
US Global Hawk Drone Arrives at Base in Japan to Monitor North Korea Activities -- Sputnik
US deploys Global Hawk high-altitude drone to Japanese air base ‘to monitor N. Korea’ -- RT
US Deploys High Altitude Drone To Spy On North Korea -- Zero Hedge

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