U.S. Special Forces Are Ready To Strike At North Korean Nuclear Sites

Washington Free Beacon: US Commandos Set to Counter North Korean Nuclear Sites

Neutralizing Pyongyang's nuclear, chemical arms warfighting priority, SOCOM commander says

U.S. special operations forces are set to conduct operations against North Korean nuclear, missile, and other weapons of mass destruction sites in any future conflict, the commander of Special Operations Command told Congress Tuesday.

Army Gen. Raymond A. Thomas stated in testimony to a House subcommittee that Army, Navy, and Air Force commandos are based both permanently and in rotations on the Korean peninsula in case conflict breaks out.

The special operations training and preparation is a warfighting priority, Thomas said in prepared testimony. There are currently around 8,000 special operations troops deployed in more than 80 countries.

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WNU Editor: Some of these North Korean nuclear sites are deep in the country. Any operation to take them out will be extremely dangerous .... and the fall-out if it is done .... I am willing to bet that the DMZ would then light-up with armed conflict.

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