Top Senate Republicans Want To Know Why The FBI Wanted To Monitor 4 Trump Campaign Officials

The U.S. Capitol Building is pictured in Washington, February 27, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Reed

ABC News: Graham, Grassley ask FBI for Russia investigation surveillance warrants

Top Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have asked the FBI and Department of Justice for copies of any surveillance requests made as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

In a letter sent Wednesday, Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked top law enforcement officials for any drafts or completed surveillance requests submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for approval, and any response from the court, which is tasked with reviewing government requests to spy on suspected foreign agents.

Read more ....

Update #1: Grassley, Graham want the FBI’s Russia surveillance warrants -- Politico
Update #2: GOP senators want surveillance requests from FBI Russia probe -- The Hill

WNU Editor: Bottom line .... these Senators want to know what was the evidence that prompted the FBI to make a request to monitor 4 Trump campaign officials .... and why did the court refused them.

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