A U.S. - Russia ceasefire Will Put Russian Military Forces Near The Israeli Border

An IDF soldier looks into southern Syria from the Israeli side of the border. Photo: IDF via Wikimedia Commons.

Yossi Alpher, Forward: The Trump-Putin Syria Ceasefire Puts Russia On Israel’s Border

The United States, Russia and Jordan, with Israel’s acquiescence, recently negotiated a ceasefire among warring parties in the southwest corner of Syria, an area bordering both Israel and Jordan. Presidents Trump and Putin announced the achievement at their Hamburg summit, and it took effect July 9.

On the face of it, an end to the killing anywhere in Syria is a good thing. If stray shells and bullets no longer “leak” into the Israeli Golan, that, too, is obviously welcome news. And if this step offers a model for additional ceasefires throughout Syria and enables refugees to return home, that is a move in the right direction for the entire Middle East.

But there is far more to this ceasefire than a mere cessation of hostilities next door. By augmenting Russia’s capacity to affect Israel’s strategic interests, it could have far-reaching consequences.

While the U.S. is a party to the ceasefire agreement, it will not be involved in policing it. That task apparently falls to Russia. This could place Russian combat troops, dubbed “military police” for protocol purposes, across a narrow boundary divide from the Israel Defense Forces patrolling the Golan.

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WNU Editor: If a ceasefire is to hold in south-east Syria, Russian forces will be instrumental in policing the peace. Is this acceptable to Israel .... for some I will have to say no (see below links) ....

Analysis Syria Cease-fire: Israel Will Have to Live With Russian Dominance on Its Border -- Zvi Bar'el, Haaretz
Iran, With Russian Help, Threatens Israel From Syria -- Algemenier
Russian troops for Quneitra in defiance of Israel -- Debka

Hat tip to Fred for this story.

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