Civilian Casualties Have Increased Under President Trump

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Samuel Oakford, Daily Beast: President Trump’s Air War Kills 12 Civilians Per Day

The president promised to ‘bomb the sh*t’ out of ISIS. But an Airwars investigation reveals that more and more innocents are being killed in American-led attacks.

Civilian casualties from the U.S.-led war against the so-called Islamic State are on pace to double under President Donald Trump, according to an Airwars investigation for The Daily Beast.

Airwars researchers estimate that at least 2,300 civilians likely died from Coalition strikes overseen by the Obama White House—roughly 80 each month in Iraq and Syria. As of July 13, more than 2,200 additional civilians appear to have been killed by Coalition raids since Trump was inaugurated—upwards of 360 per month, or 12 or more civilians killed for every single day of his administration.

The Coalition’s own confirmed casualty numbers—while much lower than other estimates—also show the same trend. Forty percent of the 603 civilians so far admitted killed by the alliance died in just the first four months of Trump’s presidency, the Coalition’s own data show.

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WNU editor: This blog has posted countless articles in the past six months outlining how ISIS was civilians as human shields .... especially in Mosul. In such an environment .... heavy urban combat with hundreds of civilians in a few buildings .... was (and is) a guarantee that there will be high civilian casualties. I suspect that when the war is over .... and a true accounting of who was killed and wounded in the battle of Mosul is finally tallied .... we are going to be shocked to learn that thousands died .... and most within the past 2 or 3 months. As for blaming President Trump for these casualties .... casualties that came from U.S. artillery and air strikes that Iraqi soldiers on the ground called for .... please .... the ones who should be blamed for this slaughter are those who fought for the Islamic State.

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