Iran: More Executions on Drug Charges, Authorities Still Silent

Public hanging, Iran
Iran Human Rights (JULY 18 2017): Three more executions reported in Urmia's central prison for drug related charges.

Iran Human Rights had reported on the executions of two prisoners by the names of Mashallah Siyadnavin and Mohammad Reza Sadeghi

According to a report by the human rights news site, Maf News, three prisoners were hanged on drug charges at this prison on Friday July 14. 

The prisoners were identified as Parviz Tamaripour, Faramarz Asgharzadeh, and Ramin Honareh. 

The report confirms that Mashallah and Mohammad were also executed on Friday, despite earlier reports that they were executed on Saturday.

These prisoners along with another prisoner by the name of Tohid Amini were transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for their executions. Tohid's execution sentence was not carried out.

Executions for drug related charges are still being carried out in Iran, even though the general outline of a bill to reform the death penalty for drug charges was approved by the Iranian Parliament. 

If the final bill is approved, the death sentences for many prisoners with drug charges will be commuted to a prison sentence.

Iranian official sources, including the Judiciary and the state-run media, have not announced these five executions.

Source: Iran Human Rights, July 18, 2017

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