Iran: Two Prisoners Hanged in Public

Iran, Public execution
Iran Human Rights (JULY 4 2017): Two prisoners were hanged in public on rape charges.

The hangings were carried out in the city of Torbat-e Heydarieh (Razavi Khorasan province) on the sidelines of a sports complex.

According to a report by the state-run news agency, Jam News, the public executions were carried out on Tuesday July 4 on Abshar Street. 

The report identifies the prisoners' ages as 26 and 30.

According to the local state-run news site, Taban Torbat, the executions were carried out by Judicial and security forces.

There are many cases in Iran of public executions carried out in sports stadiums. 

Human rights groups and sports federations have repeatedly objected to these executions. Photos from this execution have not been released to the public.

Source: Iran Human Rights, July 5, 2017

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