President Trump Fires His Chief Of Staff. Installs Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly

NBC News: Trump Ousts Chief of Staff Priebus, Installs Ret. Gen. Kelly

President Donald Trump on Friday removed his chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and tapped Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly for the job.

The stunning shakeup comes the day after newly named White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci attacked Preibus in profane terms in an interview published Thursday and also follows the failure of Republicans in Congress to repeal Obamacare.

Preibus' fate was largely tied to the fate of the GOP effort on health care, a source close to the White House told NBC News.

"He failed," the source said.

The Republican failure to undo the Affordable Care Act — one of Trump's central campaign promises — was the “final straw” for Priebus, another source close to the administration told NBC.

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WNU Editor: The Chief of Staff is the person responsible for pushing the President's agenda. After last night's health care debacle, I guess the decision was then made to remove him. I was on a Russian talk radio show this morning and I said that the White House is a mess, but President Trump's cabinet picks and how they are running their departments .... Mattis, Timmerson, Kelly, Sessions, etc. .... have been excellent and it is they who have saved his Presidency. President Trump's decision to choose John Kelly as his new Chief of Staff is (I can only guess) a recognition of this, and I suspect that they are many in the White House and in the Republican who are now relied by this choice. What comes after .... and will President Trump give his new Chief of Staff the leeway to run the White House .... well that is another story.

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