Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics: Oops! Multi-Million-Dollar Missile Test Failed Because a Sailor Pushed the Wrong Button
The test of the new ballistic missile interceptor last month met up with human error.
Last month an expensive test of a system designed to shoot down North Korean ballistic missiles failed. Now we know that failure was because of human error, according to a report by the U.S. Missile Defense Agency.
The test was the second involving the latest version of the SM-3 interceptor, a key platform in America's missile defenses. It took place off the coast of Hawaii at the Pacific Missile Range Facility on June 21, 2017 at 1:20 AM Eastern . The destroyer USS John Paul Jones—equipped with the SM-3 Block IIA ballistic missile interceptor, AM/SPY-1 radar, and version 9.C2 of the Aegis Combat System—was supposed to shoot down an incoming simulated ballistic missile.
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WNU Editor: Yup .... blame the poor little sailor in some little room for pushing the wrong button on why the test failed.
More News On The Latest U.S. Missile Defense Failure
Sailor error led to failed US Navy ballistic missile intercept test -- Defense News
Failed missile defense test result of human error: report -- The Hill
US sailor had just one job ... -- The Australian
Sailor’s error ruins $100 million US missile test -- The Times
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