Who Is Flying This Mysterious Helicopter Near Raqqa?

The Drive/Warzone: Unmasking The S-92 Mystery Helicopter In Syria Which Was Spotted Again Near Raqqa

We may have finally discovered who likely owns the helicopter, but who is using it and exactly for what remains a mystery.

A new video has surfaced that shows the same unmarked, gray S-92 Helibus that we identified last March in northern Syria, but this time it was seen supposedly flying over or very near the Islamic State's defacto capital of al Raqqa. Similar helicopters were originally spotted in Djibouti in 2015, adding to the mystery of who owns and operates them, especially considering the type is not officially in the Pentagon's active inventory.

The video, which was posted on social media, cuts to V-22 Ospreys, which are also known to be highly active in the region. The Ospreys ferry US special operations forces, US Marines, and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters, which are primarily made up of Kurds, around eastern Syria to battle zones and forward operating bases. With the offensive to rout ISIS from al Raqqa finally underway, it only makes sense that the Ospreys are now flying along the outskirts of the the besieged city. As to the exact mission of the shadowy S-92, we still don't know.

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WNU editor: This looks like black-ops/special operations.

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