Poll: Robert Mueller And The FBI Are Facing A Crisis In 'Public Confidence'

Robert Mueller. Aaron Bernstein/Reuters

The Hill: Mueller, FBI face crisis in public confidence

Sixty-three percent of polled voters believe that the FBI has been resisting providing information to Congress on the Clinton and Trump investigations. This is a remarkable finding for an agency whose new head said a few days ago that the agency was in fine shape. No, it isn’t.

Fifty-four percent say special counsel Robert Mueller has conflicts of interest that prevent him from doing an unbiased job, also according to this month’s Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. So, given this finding, the silence from the special counsel on the subject has become downright deafening.

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WNU Editor: This has not been a good two weeks for the Mueller Commission. After the Flynn plea deal the momentum and support was with the Mueller Commission .... I do not see it now. And among those who have been consistent in supporting the investigation .... the media, Democrats, and some Republicans .... a growing shift that this perceived bias may result in the termination of the Commission. I personally believe that the Mueller Commission will continue, and they will go where the investigation will take them. But they are definitely under pressure to produce, and more importantly .... they are under a different spotlight now. The CAPS-Harris poll says that fifty-four percent believe that special counsel Robert Mueller has conflicts of interest that prevent him from doing an unbiased job .... these are numbers that will only become more negative if the current trend of perceived bias continues and evidence of Trump-Russian collusion are not presented and indictments delivered.

More News On Growing Doubts In The Mueller Investigation And In The FBI

DOJ fuels doubts about integrity of Mueller probe -- Politico
Robert Mueller's 'pit bull' is coming under intense scrutiny over perceived anti-Trump bias -- Allan Smith, Business Insider
Republicans are worried about the integrity of Mueller's team. That's overblown. -- Washington Post
Yes, Investigate the Investigators -- NRO Editorial

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