U.S. Sen. John McCain Wants To Now Fire Those Responsible For Weapons Cost Overruns

DoD Buzz/Military.com: McCain Wants to Fire Those Responsible for Weapons Cost Overruns

The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee is playing hardball with the Pentagon when it comes to acquisition programs that end up billions of dollars over budget or deliver years late.

In a hearing before the committee Thursday, Sen. John McCain took to task Ellen Lord, the new under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, for recent examples of acquisition malpractice, including the Army's Future Combat Systems and the USS Gerald S. Ford, the first of the Navy's new class of supercarriers.

FCS was canceled in 2009 after six years of work and more than $6 billion in taxpayer investment; the Ford was delivered earlier this year, more than $2 billion over budget and 15 months later than expected.

McCain said he asked Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson who was responsible for cost overruns and was told Richardson didn't know.

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WNU Editor: Hmmmm .... after spending years being the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee ... and supporting every defense budget while asking for more ..... Senator John McCain is now concerned about cost over-runs and procurement problems?!?!?

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