Why Russia Can't Win In Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin (2nd L) and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (2nd R) meet with servicemen as they visit the Hmeymim air base in Latakia Province, Syria, Dec. 11, 2017.

Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest: Why America Can't Win in Syria

A theoretical Syrian political transition is unachievable, and the political opposition needs to come to terms with the reality of the dictator staying in office for the near term.

Vladimir Putin, the man who has dominated Russian politics for the last seventeen years, flew into Syria this week for the first time since he ordered the Russian Air Force over two years ago to drive back Syrian rebel groups encroaching on Bashar al-Assad’s presidential palace. When Russian bombers first began their campaign, Assad’s regime looked to be on the brink of collapse. Now, the Syrian strongman is confidently resting in Damascus—his opponents, many of whom are demoralized and tired of a war now in its seventh year, are increasingly wondering if their goals of overthrowing the regime are lost.

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WNU Editor: First things first .... the above title for this National Interest article is wrong. It should be .... "Why Russia Can't Win in Syria". As to why Russia can't win in Syria .... one only has to look at what is the mood in Russia when it comes to Syria. There is very little public support in Russia for its military to continue fighting in Syria, and there is zero support to spend money in rebuilding Syria. The problem is that Putin now owns this mess, and to stabilize Syria a mega-billion dollar investment program will be required. The problem is .... who is going to donate the money? The U.S. and its allies are definitely not going to invest billions if Assad remains in power, and while the Chinese have committed some funds .... it is too small to make a difference, and there are strings attached to that money. Bottom line .... Russia is the one who must invest the necessary billions .... but like I said .... there is no support in Russia for such a policy.

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