World News Briefs -- December 16, 2017

Newsweek: North Korea Missile Launch Fears as Tens of Thousands Mourn Dead Leaders

On the anniversary of the death of former North Korea leader Kim Jong-Il, the secretive state has released footage of thousands of mourners bowing and laying flowers at the feet of statues of Jong-Il—who died on December 17, 2011—and national founder Kim Il Sung.

Senior party officials also visited a mausoleum on the outskirts of North Korea’s capital Pyongyang that contains the body of Kim Il Sung, according to local media, on the day that experts feared Kim Jong Un may launch a new missile test in tribute to his father and grandfather.

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Syria blame game continues after failed Geneva talks .

Saudi-led coalition airstrike kills 10 women in Yemen.

Kuwaiti newspaper: Israel attacked Iranian military factories in Syria.

Mattis: Pressure on Iran will be diplomatic, not military.

Erdogan says Turkey aims to open embassy in East Jerusalem.

UN weighs resolution rejecting US Jerusalem decision.

Palestinian billionaire Masri released by Saudis; says they 'gave him all respect'.

Nazareth Christmas celebrations will be held as normal: mayor.


U.S. hails Afghan forces’ battlefield gains, urges Taliban to seek talks with Kabul.

Eleven police killed in attacks in Afghanistan.

Car bomber attacks NATO convoy in Afghanistan.

Afghan Ambassador: Taliban have devolved but must be brought into peace process.

India 'most reliable regional partner' of Afghanistan, says Pentagon.

IS claims pre-Christmas suicide bombing of Pakistan church, eight dead. Suicide bombers attack church in Pakistan, killing 8.

Fears Kim will launch ANOTHER missile to mark the sixth anniversary of Kim Jong-il's death as thousands of North Koreans mark a national day of mourning.

North Korea: Australian police charge man for illegal arms deals.

South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha to visit Japan for talks with counterpart Taro Kono on Tuesday.

Thousands disappear as China polices thought.


Boko Haram: Nigeria troops arrest 400 linked to extremist group, including women and children.

Nigeria military rescues 4 Chinese nationals from pirates.

UN reports ethnic violence in South Sudan.

More protests in Togo as president chairs ECOWAS summit.

Gabon arrests dozens in knife attack that wounded two Danes.

Libya strongman says UN-backed government's mandate expired.

Jacob Zuma makes last major speech as ANC party head. Jacob Zuma: Mandela's liberation movement meets in South Africa in vote to replace President.

Egyptian presidential hopeful apologizes to arrested supporters.


Brexit: EU leaders warn of tough times ahead as negotiations move to second phase.

Austrian conservatives bring far right into government.

European right-wing leaders meet in Prague, slam EU and immigration. ‘EU is killing Europe’: Far-right leaders call for end to ‘disastrous’ union.

Catalan left seeks socialist coalition as crucial election looms .

Italy's ruling PD party slips further in polls, newspaper reports.

Macron criticised for celebrating 40th birthday in royal style.

France to ban mobile phones in schools from September.

Intelligence leaks reveal Erdogan regime arming criminal Turkish gangs in Germany.

Honoured guests: Prince Charles joins royal elite at funeral for Romania's Michael I as tens of thousands mourn the monarch who shunned the Nazis only to be forced to abdicate by Communists.


Billionaire, former journalist face off for Chile presidency.

Peruvian officials begin impeachment process against president Kuczynski. Peru president rejects demands he resign over corruption allegations.

Brazil's Workers Party formalizes support for ex-president Lula.

Hondurans accuse US of election meddling.

Honduran helicopter crash kills six, including president's sister.

Victims of Mexico military abuses shudder at new security law.

Mexico presidential race roiled as leftist front-runner embraces right wing party.

Canadian-Iranian who conspired to export weapons to Iran sentenced to prison in U.S..

Venezuela gives Russia's Rosneft gas field concessions: Rosneft.


Taliban, Haqqani network members roam free in Pakistan: Pentagon.

In Europe and US, homegrown jihadists the main threat.

'An attack could happen at any time': Former anti-terror chief says there should be 'no surprise' if terrorists strike Britain before Christmas as he warns 20,000 extremists currently roam our streets.

40,000 people took up arms for IS in Syria, Iraq.


Canadian oil prices plunge to $30.

End of an era: Boeing 747 takes last US commercial flight.

Second bitcoin futures debut could lure volume to wild market.

Sky News faces uncertain future after Disney-Fox deal.

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