Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 4, 2018

Newsweek: If War With the U.S. Comes, What Are the Chinese Military's Strongest Weapons?

The U.S. has the most powerful military in the world, but China is not too far behind. If the two countries went to war, it would undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the world.

Both countries are nuclear powers and a global ranking of the world's militaries placed the U.S. at number one and China in third place, based on the annual report from Global Firepower Index.

There are currently no signs China and the U.S. will go to war in the near future, though it's a topic often discussed among academics and other members of the foreign policy community. Some military minds have also suggested the probability of such a conflict would be much higher if the U.S. takes military action against North Korea, which borders China and is one of Beijing's closest allies.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 4, 2018

Xi Jinping tells army not to fear death in show of China's military might -- The Guardian

China building military base in Pakistan -- Washington Times

N. Korea Reopens Cross-border Communications With S. Korea -- AP

U.S. military warns against getting hopes up over North Korean overture
-- Reuters

Lockheed to support Korea's Peace Krypton intelligence aircraft -- UPI

Who Wants to Operate Carrier-Based F-35Bs in Asia? -- Robert Farley, The Diplomat

Airborne 'Typhoon': Russia Develops Special Armored Vehicle for Paratroopers -- Sputnik

Where Russian Information Warfare Is Failing -- US Naval Institute

The Strategy Behind Russia’s Alleged INF Treaty Breach -- Adam Cabot, RCD

India to replace Russian air defense systems under $1.5B program -- Defense News

3 European producers bid for Poland sub deal -- Defense News

Trump might get pushback from Gemany on NATO spending after all -- Defense News

USS Bonhomme Richard to leave Japan, return to U.S. -- UPI

B-1 Crews Prep for Anti-Surface Warfare in Latest LRASM Tests -- DoD Buzz

Orbital ATK awarded $23M to support penetrating weapons -- UPI

Boeing to produce 6,000 Small Diameter Bombs -- UPI

US Starts Production of Upgraded Self-Propelled Howitzer -- Sputnik

US Navy Looks to Private Sector to Boost Sub, Aircraft Carrier Building Capacity -- Sputnik

Pentagon Contract Protests Aren't Frivolous, Rand Study Finds -- Bloomberg

Pentagon budget hangs in the balance as new talks begin -- Washington Examiner

White House names picks for top Air Force, Pentagon acquisition posts -- The Hill

House Dem calls for bill to restrict Trump's ability to launch preemptive nukes -- The Hill

Marine Corps Lab Imagines Weapons of the Future -- Signal

DoD Identifies Green Beret Killed in Violence-Plagued Afghan Province --

How Peter Mims spent a week hiding in a warship’s engine room -- Navy Times

Fighter pilot who flew last combat mission in World War II dies at 93 -- Air Force Times

Military bands trumpet the might and status of their nation -- Financial Times

Analysts Outline Options to Cut Nuclear Forces -- Jon Harper, National Defense

5 Reasons The U.S. Army Must Modernize Faster To Avoid Catastrophe -- Loren Thompson, Forbes

Here’s how Trump can use his ‘big button’ -- Ken Chamberlain, Military Times  

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