Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Addresses Groping Allegation From 2000

Globe and Mail/Canadian Press: Trudeau addresses groping allegation from 2000, says he doesn’t recall ‘negative interactions’

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he does not remember any “negative interactions” during an event he attended 18 years ago in British Columbia – acknowledging for the first time allegations of sexual misconduct that recently resurfaced about him at the event.

Trudeau told reporters in Regina on Sunday that he remembers attending the music festival in Creston, B.C., in the summer of 2000, but said he doesn’t recall anything going amiss.

“I remember that day in Creston well, it was an Avalanche Foundation event to support avalanche safety. I had a good day that day. I don’t remember any negative interactions that day at all,” Trudeau said.

This marks the first time Trudeau has offered direct comment on the 18-year-old allegation that has resurfaced in media reports in recent weeks. However, his answer is the same one that has been provided by his office in response to recent questions about the allegation.

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WNU Editor: This is a story that has been brewing for the past few months. It was first reported by a Liberal insider (Warren Kinsella) who is also not a fan of Prime Minister Trudeau .... (link here). As Warren Kinsella mentions in his post ....  

“I’m sorry. If I had known you were a reporter for a national newspaper, I never would have been so forward”

Translation “I usually only get sexual assaulty with girls who won’t report on it in the national media”

And as Warren Kinsella further adds .... 

There is shit tonne of stories about him from those days and more recent years. If the dam breaks………

IThis story was then carried by a few conservative blogs and completely ignored by the Canadian main stream media. But unlike other stories that are ignored by the main stream media .... this one had meat, and as Canadian conservative blogger Brian Lilly put it .... Trudeau groping allegations, from a whisper to a scream (Brian Lilley).

Yesterday .... a reported finally had the chance to ask THE QEUSTION to the Prime Minister, and he gave the same answer that his office has been giving for the past few weeks .... "he does not remember any negative interactions". All further questions were then shut down. Hmmmm .... this is not what I would call a denial.

My prediction .... this story is not going to die. As I had mentioned before. The original source for this story is from Warren Kinsella, a Liberal insider who has a very good idea on where are all the skeletons for the Liberal Party are hidden. He sincerely believes that there is a pattern of behavior from the Prime Minister's past where questions need to be asked. And while the main networks are avoiding this story and/or discounting it when it is raised, they are not driving the news cycle for this story. Bottom line .... this is not going to be a pleasant summer for the Prime Minister.

As for the women who made the allegation .... she wants nothing to do with this. I am not surprised by her reaction. If her name becomes public she will be eaten alive by Liberal supporters of Justin Trudeau and (of course) by the media.

More News On Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Addressing Groping Allegation From 2000

'I don't remember any negative interactions,' Trudeau says of groping allegation -- CBC
Trudeau has to say something about groping accusation. Yet what can he say? -- Andrew Coyne, National Post
On groping allegation, Trudeau ducks the rules he set -- Tim Harper, Toronto Star
Groping allegations snare Justin Trudeau in a trap he created himself -- Joe Oliver, National Post

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