Ecuador In Talks With The U.K. To Evict Julian Assange From Its Embassy In London

© REUTERS / Olivia Harris/Files

Daily Mail: Britain 'is in secret talks with Ecuador in bid to evict Julian Assange from South American country's London embassy'

* Senior officials and ministers in high-level talks to decide Assange's fate
* Ecuadorian President Moreno called Assange a 'stone in the shoe' and a 'hacker'
* The discussions come just weeks before President Moreno visits the UK
* Assange has been living in the embassy in Knightsbridge since June 2012

Britain is in secret talks with Ecuador to evict Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from its embassy in London.

Senior foreign officials, believed to include the Foreign Office minister Sir Alan Duncan, are in talks to try and decide Mr Assange's future.

He has been living at the embassy in Knightsbridge, in London, since June 2012 and is fearful he will be extradited to the United States if he leaves.

The top-level discussions come just weeks before a UK visit by new Ecuador President Lenin Moreno who has previously called Assange a 'hacker' and a 'stone in the shoe', according to The Sunday Times.

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Update: UK Reportedly in 'Secret Talks' With Ecuador to Evict Assange From Embassy (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: Time is running out for Julian Assange, and I cannot help but feel that it is only a mater of time before he finds himself on U.S. soil in an American jail facing decades in prison.

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