President Trump After Helsinki Summit: I Have Confidence In U.S. Intelligence

Reuters: Trump, after Helsinki summit, says he has confidence in U.S. intelligence

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, facing a barrage of criticism for his comments during a news conference in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin, insisted in a post on Twitter on Monday that he has “GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.”

U.S. lawmakers roundly condemned Trump for his comments at a news conference with Putin where he cast doubt on his own intelligence agencies’ findings that Russia meddled with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

“As I said today and many times before, ‘I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people’,” Trump said on Twitter. “However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past - as the world’s two largest nuclear powers, we must get along!”

At the news conference, Trump cast doubt on the findings of American intelligence agencies and refused to blame Putin for meddling in the 2016 election. “I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,” Trump told reporters.

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WNU Editor: Even though he is voicing support of his intelligence officials (not the previous administration's intel officials), this can be viewed as a reversal of his earlier remarks .... Trump questions US intel, not Putin, on Russia 2016 meddling (AP). More here .... Shock as Trump backs Putin on election meddling at summit (Reuters). The Director of National Intelligence is defending the intelligence community's assessment of Russian meddling .... After Helsinki, U.S. intel chief defends findings on Russian meddling (Reuters). More here .... US intel chief stands by assessment of Russian meddling (AP). President Trump's opponents have been spending the entire day denouncing his remarks .... Senator McCain says Trump summit with Putin 'tragic mistake' (Reuters). More here .... Top Senate Democrat urges sanctions, hearings after Trump-Putin summit (Reuters). As to what is my take. U.S. and Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) have been interfering in the internal affairs of each country for decades. And while I am sure that Russia tried to interfere in the U.S. election .... there is no evidence according to the U.S. Justice Department that one vote was altered in the 2016 election cycle. As for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign .... again .... after a year of investigation, the Mueller investigation seems to be at a dead end. And in regards to today's summit .... I am reading in the Russian press that a lot of progress was made, and that the groundwork has been laid for future talks .... Brushing Russia probe aside, Trump, Putin lay groundwork for future talks (Asia Times). To me this is a very positive development. Both countries may have a lot of differences, but I believe it is imperative that they work together in view of how dangerous the world really is.

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