President Trump: European Union Is A Foe On Trade

BBC: Donald Trump: European Union is a foe on trade

US President Donald Trump has described the European Union as a foe on trade.

He told CBS News that European countries were taking advantage of the US and not paying their Nato bills.

EU Council President Donald Tusk said anyone calling the EU foes was spreading "fake news".

Mr Trump said he had "low expectations" for his meeting on Monday with Russia's Vladimir Putin, which comes after 12 Russians were indicted for alleged hacking during 2016 US elections.

Mr Trump said he would raise this issue with Mr Putin at the summit in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, and "maybe some good" would come of it.

Russia denies the allegations.

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Update #1: Trump calls European Union a 'foe' – ahead of Russia and China (The Guardian)
Update #2: Trump casts European Union as a 'foe' on trade ahead of high stakes summit with Putin (CNBC/Reuters)

WNU Editor: In my opinion the European Union after China and Japan has some of the most restrictive trade barriers in the world. The EU is a definite foe when it comes to free markets and opening up trade, especially in regards to agricultural products.

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