Russian Diplomat: Taliban Controls More Than Half Of Afghanistan’s Territory

TASS: Taliban controls more than half of Afghanistan’s territory - Russian diplomat

Russia to invite Taliban representatives to Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov added

MOSCOW, July 16. /TASS/. Taliban (a radical movement outlawed in Russia) is present in most of Afghanistan’s provinces and controls more than a half of its territory, Russian president’s special envou on Afghanistan and director of the Russian foreign ministry’s second Asia department, Zamir Kabulov, said in an interview with the Kommersant daily on Sunday.

"Taliban is very integrated into Afghanistan’s military and political life. It controls more than a half of the country’s territory by now," he said.

According to the Russian diplomat, Taliban is present in most of the country’s provinces and is a key force even where an official administration is present. "As a matter of fact, they establish parallel power bodies, including a court system Afghan people have more confidence in than in the official one," he noted.

"So, in this sense, they are very integrated into Afghanistan’s state life," he added.

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WNU Editor: He is right abut one thing. There are no safe areas in Afghanistan.

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