Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 22, 2018

David P. Goldman, Asia Times: Europe, Japan, China and Russia line up against US

Investment patterns are shifting in response to America’s new assertiveness

The United States starts a tariff war with China. Japan and Germany jump at the chance to gain market share in China’s booming auto industry and boost their capacity in China, the world’s fastest-growing passenger car market.

The United States imposes sanctions on Turkey. Germany announces that it will offer economic aid to Turkey, Qatar pledges $15 billion in new investment and a $3 billion foreign exchange swap line, and Chinese banks provide billions of dollars in new loans to the cash-strapped Turks. Chinese commentators declare that crisis is a great opportunity to integrate Turkey into China’s “One Belt, One Road” strategy.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 22, 2018

Great Strategic Rivalries: The Return of Geopolitics -- James Lacey, The Strategy Bridge

Was the Pre-Trump World Normal or Abnormal? -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

China's biggest risk may be its property market — not the trade war -- Evelyn Cheng, CNBC

Is China Increasing Its Military Presence in Syria? -- The Diplomat

Analyst: Kim Jong Un's anger during factory visit a sign of building pressure -- Elizabeth Shim, UPI

Tragedy of Korean divided families captured on camera -- Andrew Salmon, Asia Times

A Big Mistake: South Korea’s Moon Jae-in Rushes to Unify Country -- Gordon G. Chang, National Interest

US commander says South Korea not ready to lead alliance in war -- Andrew Salmon, Asia Times

How should the world respond to South Africa’s illiberal turn? -- Marian L. Tupy, CAPX

The right way to sanction Putin’s Russia -- William Courtney, Reuters

First Greece, Now Turkey? Is Turkey entering a deep financial crisis just as Greece exits one? -- Carsten Hesse, The Globalist

Greece: How are youth coping as years of austerity comes to end? -- John Psaropoulos, Al Jazeera

Germany’s Foreign Minister Just Proposed a Way to Skirt U.S. Sanctions -- Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic

How America's Wars Have Created Piles of Debt (And Little Strategic Benefit) -- Jacob Heilbrunn, National Interest

History Shows Impeaching Trump Won't Be Easy -- Robert W. Merry, National Interest

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