Conrad Black, National Interest: No, Donald Trump Is Not Millard Fillmore or James Buchanan
Trumps is successfully and actively pursuing his own agenda, unlike those two previous U.S. Presidents.
The treatment of Trump’s foreign policy in the July-August issue of The National Interest by Dimitri K. Simes and Dov S. Zakheim were remarkably different. Mr. Simes offered thoughtful analysis with valuable insights into the current president’s thinking, whereas Mr. Zakheim undertook an almost inexpressibly implausible effort to find some resemblance between President Trump and his distant and relatively undistinguished predecessors, Millard Fillmore and James Buchanan. Mr. Simes noted that President Trump sees the possibility of settling differences with Russia, which seems to be based on acknowledging that country’s repossession of the Crimea—which was only awarded to Ukraine by the Ukrainian Khrushchev, in 1955—in return for Russia desisting in its incursions in Ukraine. Furthermore, Mr. Simes believes Trump sees a potential partition of Syria between sponsored groups with Assad retaining half the country, especially with his Alawites, while the western-supported secular factions co-exist in their cantons.
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WNU Editor: Regular readers of this blog know that I like to post stories that are counter to the current conventional wisdom. So here is one .... Contra Pundits, Donald Trump Did Not Have a Bad Day Yesterday (Erick Erickson, The Maven). When all is said and done President Trump is still the President. He is still pushing his agenda, signing legislation, and appointing people to the courts and government. And .... in the eyes of his supporters, and chagrin from those who despise him, delivering results .... Why Trump’s supporters won’t care about Cohen and Mana (Salena Zito, NYPost).
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