New York Times: White House Tells F.B.I. to Interview Anyone Necessary for Kavanaugh Inquiry
WASHINGTON — The White House has authorized the F.B.I. to expand its abbreviated investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh by interviewing anyone it deems necessary as long as the review is finished by the end of the week, two people briefed on the matter said on Monday.
The new directive came in the past 24 hours after a backlash from Democrats, who criticized the White House for limiting the scope of the bureau’s investigation into President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. The F.B.I. has already completed interviews with the four witnesses its agents were originally asked to talk to, the people said.
Mr. Trump said on Monday that he favored a “comprehensive” F.B.I. investigation and had no problem if the bureau wanted to question Judge Kavanaugh or even a third accuser who was left off the initial witness list if she seemed credible. His only concerns he said, were that the investigation be wrapped up quickly and that it take direction from the Senate Republicans who will determine whether Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed.
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Update #1: White House authorizes FBI to expand Kavanaugh investigation: report -- The Hill
Update #2: FBI Instructed To Expand Kavanaugh Probe After Trump Clashes With Reporters -- Zero Hedge
WNU Editor: A few thoughts .....
This is going to be a short investigation. Professor Ford does not even know the year or place where this alleged assault occurred. And the witnesses that she named say that it did not happen. So where do you begin?
I am not sure about this .... Yale classmate to tell FBI of Brett Kavanaugh's 'violent drunken' behavior (NBC). More here .... READ: Yale classmate's full statement on Kavanaugh (CNN). Judge Kavanaugh graduated at the top of his class .... in my experience people who drank a lot and who are violent never succeed in university. Certainly not making it to the top of your class.
This is why Republicans rejected him before the primaries, thereby forcing him to resign .... Flake Admits He Wouldn't Have Sabotaged Kavanaugh Confirmation If He Wasn't Retiring (Zero Hedge). And yes, he was an easy target .... Look who was behind the Jeff Flake elevator setup (Joe Fund, NYPost)
There are too many inconsistencies in Professor Ford's story .... Rachel Mitchell Memo Highlights Weaknesses In Ford Testimony, Exonerates Kavanaugh (Zero Hedge). More here .... Rachel Mitchell's memo is damaging to Christine Blasey Ford's case against Brett Kavanaugh (Washington Examiner).
The Crazies are now coming out .... Brett Kavanaugh denies ANOTHER sex assault claim – this time by a 'Jane Doe' who accuses Supreme Court nominee of 'raping me several times' and hitting her after offering a ride home from a party and saying: 'No one will believe you' (Daily Mail). And then there is this sick editorial cartoon (link here).
This makes me laugh. He had a different approach when he investigated Hillary Clinton .... ‘Little lies point to bigger lies’: How James Comey thinks the FBI could investigate Kavanaugh (Washington Post).
This poll is bogus .... Poll: Nearly half of voters say Kavanaugh shouldn't be confirmed (CNN). When the person being polled is then told that none of the witnesses are corroborating Professor Ford's accusations, two-thirds say he should be confirmed.
I expect a confirmation vote will be done in the following week, and there is a very real chance that 2 Republican Senators may say no. In that case .... this will become the rallying cry for Republican voters this November.
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