Analysis And Commentaries On President Trump's Decision To Withdraw U.S. Military Forces From Syria

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN: Trump is leaving the fight against ISIS (and influence in the Middle East) to Russia and Iran

(CNN)It was set to be the most discreet yet potent measure of US influence in the Middle East.

Over 2,000 American special forces in the north of Syria, fighting the fight against ISIS, but also providing a significant bang for their buck.

But to widespread surprise, US President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the US intends to rapidly withdraw from Syria.
The troops out there had managed three things to date:

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Analysis And Commentaries On President Trump's Decision To Withdraw U.S. Military Forces From Syria

Donald Trump's Syria withdrawal could reverberate for years -- Martin Chulov, The Guardian
Trump’s abrupt decision to pull American troops from Syria is riskier than it looks -- Washington Post
Trump’s Decision to Withdraw From Syria Is Alarming. Just Ask His Advisers. -- The New York Times
Trump Screws Up the One Thing He Did Better Than Obama -- Kori Schake, Atlantic
Trump’s Syria plan is a “dream scenario” for ISIS, Russia, Iran and Assad -- Tim Hume, VICE News
Trump’s Chaotic Syrian Withdrawal is a Big Mistake -- Max Hoffman, National Interest
Prematurely Withdrawing from Syria Would be a Disaster -- Noah Rothman, Commentary
Trump’s Syria Pullout Shakes Up U.S. Mideast Policy -- Jack Detsch, Al Monitor
Trump’s ‘Stunning’ About-Face on Syria -- Lara Seligman & Michael Hirsh, Foreign Policy
Only Trump's mission is accomplished in Syria -- Udo Bauer, DW
Trump’s Syria Pullout Is a Grave Mistake -- Bloomberg
Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Is Bold and Brave -- John Bradley, Spectator
Withdrawal from Syria ... faster, please -- Charles V. Peña, The Hill
The Dangers of Military Mission Creep in Syria -- Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest
Why Trump's Syria withdrawal is the right move -- Christian Whiton, Fox News
Trump’s Decision to Leave Syria Was No ‘Surprise’ -- Mark Perry, American Conservative
Why is the US pulling out of Syria? -- Joe Macaron, Al Jazeera
Trump Shouldn’t Withdraw Troops—He Should Rebrand -- Hassan Hassan, The Atlantic

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