Is Celestial Navigation Coming Back In The Event That GPS Systems Are Knocked Out?

You can see the astro-tracking system under the round window to the right of the B-2's cockpit in this image. USAF

Warzone/The Drive: SR-71's "R2-D2" Could Be The Key To Winning Future Fights In GPS Denied Environments

Our ancestors did it and so did the SR-71 Blackbird, now this ancient form of navigation could be set for a major comeback.

With all the technology at our fingertips today, the very idea of celestial navigation remains a romantic and even a bit bewildering one. It harkens back to a time when mankind had a much richer connection with the heavens above. But the truth is the task of navigating by the stars became increasingly automated and miniaturized as a necessity of the Cold War. The advent of the Global Position System (GPS) and the diminished threat of all-out nuclear armageddon left advanced celestial navigation capabilities for a small number of weapon systems and the history books. But now, with the possibility of having to fight in a combat environment where GPS and all its benefits are denied, updated automated "astro-nav" capabilities may represent one of the best and most proven ways of overcoming this challenge.

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WNU Editor: This is really cool stuff.

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