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Jared Keller, Task & Purpose: China Swallowed Islands In The South China Sea. Now It Wants To Eat Djibouti Like Groceries
The Chinese military has sent a clear message for the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea: Your FONOPs will not be fun ops. Now, it appears likely that China's aggressive naval ambitions may spread beyond its artificial islands to the country's nascent military presence in Africa.
Just two days after the Navy destroyer USS McCampbell sailed near islands disputed in the South China Sea, People's Liberation Army Navy officer Senior Capt. Zhang Junshe issued a stern warning that the United States would be to blame for any kinetic encounter between U.S. and PLAN vessels — the latest in a series of escalating encounters between the two navies that included a suggestion from another senior Chinese military officer that their vessels should attack U.S. Navy ships outright.
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WNU Editor: The "skirmishing" has already begun .... Pentagon: Two U.S. Airmen Injured By Chinese-Deployed Lasers In Djibouti (May 3, 2018).
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