Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 1, 2019

Stephen Bryen, Asia Times: Russia’s hypersonic ICBM blows away arms agreements

Moscow's gambit to deploy new missile undermines all strategic arms agreements as it is a first-strike threat and a challenge to the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine and current missile defenses.

Russia, China and the United States are all working on hypersonic weapons – missiles that fly so fast current technology has difficulty picking them up on radar and even bigger problems trying to defeat them.

President Vladimir Putin has claimed that Russia is getting ready to deploy an intercontinental ballistic missile called Avangard in 2019 that can fly up to 20 times the speed of sound. The missile, if it performs as advertised, is a game changer because there is no defense system that can intercept a warhead flying to a target at hypersonic speed.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 1, 2019

Russia Tests Yet Another Hypersonic Weapon -- Popular Mechanics

Russia's 'invulnerable' nuclear missile ready to deploy, Putin says -- CNN

Russian hypersonic missile scientists arrested, accused of treason -- AP

US Reacts to Russian Test of Hypersonic Weapons -- VOA

Boeing receives $400M contract to keep B-1, B-52 bombers flying -- UPI

Lockheed Martin Hired to Provide Missile Defense for Hawaii -- Motley Fool

Bell Boeing to build CMV-22B planes for Navy, Marines -- UPI

NEW IN 2019: Corps to take delivery of new amphibious combat vehicle -- Marine Times

DARPA program blending robots in the squad to find and destroy threats -- Marine Times

U.S. Navy pursuing block buy of two aircraft carriers: senator -- Reuters

3-D Printing Might Be a New Future in Navy Ship Construction -- RCD

US military tweets, deletes New Year's Eve message about dropping bombs -- CNN

Suspect’s Twitter messages played role in NSA hacking-tools leak probe -- Politico

A Few Lucky Soldiers Are Now Armed with the Army's New Sniper Rifle. Here's What It Can Do. -- National Interest/Task & Purpose

US Army unit in Germany rescinds unusually specific and unnecessary order banning all forms of sex, 'lap dances' and cuddling -- Daily Mail

Powerful Antitank Missiles Put U.S. Forces in Middle East at Risk -- The Wall Street Journal

New York Times: Trump gives military four months to leave Syria -- CNN

Russian military to be fully equipped with Iskander-M tactical missile complexes in 2019 – MOD -- RT

Russia ready to deploy missiles in Arctic, Baltic and Crimea in 2019 -- SCMP/Reuters

Chinese Admiral Says Sinking US Carriers Would End South China Sea Spat – Report -- Sputnik

China’s New Submarine-Launched Nuclear Missile Can Hit the U.S. -- National Interest

China Builds Massive Radio Antenna Facility to Communicate With Submarines -- Sputnik

Britain’s planned naval base in Southeast Asia seen as ‘muscle-flexing’ against China -- SCMP

South Korean army to launch AI research center -- UPI

Zambian president swears in new army chief -- Reuters

Killing in the name of: The US Army and video games -- Ars Technica

2019: 5 Places America Should Avoid Going to War -- Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest

The 5 greatest threats to national security in 2019 -- Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner

5 Big National Security Predictions for 2019 -- James Holmes, RCD

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