Himax and Emza Announce Human-Aware Vision for Notebooks

GlobeNewsWire: Himax and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Emza Visual Sense announce WiseEye 2.0 NB, an intelligent vision solution for notebook computers. It is said to be the industry’s first ultra-low power, AI-based intelligent visual sensor that adds the advanced human presence awareness functionality for notebooks while supporting always-on operation. The solution has been tested and well received by the leading global chipmaker and Quanta Computer, the world’s largest original design manufacturer (ODM) of notebook computers, for inclusion in their next-generation mainstream notebook platforms.

"We are excited that the WiseEye 2.0 solution’s coverage has expanded from IoT devices to notebook computers as it opens up new growth opportunities in the high-end notebook ecosystem. It’s a real win-win situation for OEMs, ODMs and Himax/Emza. Our unique technology consists of Himax’s CMOS image sensor and Emza’s AI-based computer vision algorithm running on an Himax-designed ASIC, all catered for ultra-low power consumption to enable always-on operation of the end device. The partnership with the world’s leading chipmaker and notebook ODM allows us to closely engage with multiple global notebook OEMs, targeting their next generation product launches for the 2020 back to school season,” said Jordan Wu, President and Chief Executive Officer of Himax Technologies.

The key features of the WiseEye 2.0 NB intelligent visual sensor for human presence detection include:

  • Enhanced AI-enabled User Experience: a combination of ultra-low power image sensor and energy efficient CV image processing algorithm, augmented with AI-based machine learning, enable automatic wake up of the notebook from standby mode or locking the screen based on specific human behavior or movements. This is a significant improvement over the existing solutions that do not function when the notebook is in sleep mode.
  • Extended Battery Life: AI-based always-on camera (AoS) can detect user engagement levels based on presence and face posing, enabling power management of the display and maximizing battery life.
  • Improved Privacy and Security: WiseEye 2.0 NB can detect the presence of additional humans in the field of view and send an alert to the user.
  • Expanded FOV: Optimized for 60-90 deg. HFOV and flexible VFOV as opposed to currently used simple sensors which are sensitive to screen angles. Wider FOV can enable early detection and sensing of flexible movement even when users are close to the screen.
  • Increased Distance Detection: High accuracy sensing of human presence from up to 5 meters away enables a quick response to user detection even when approaching the device at high speeds.
  • Production Friendly Technology: Does not need strict tolerances in mounting versus solutions that require calibration due to limited FOV.
  • Tiny Form Factor: The Himax 2-in-1 (AoS and RGB) sensor is the first hybrid CMOS sensor specifically for notebook computers. The sensor combines high quality HD image capabilities with ultra-low-power visual sensing, for AI context awareness applications. The new CMOS sensor will be available at end of 2019
  • Privacy Awareness: The sensor image is processed entirely on the dedicated WiseEye 2.0 processor, co-located with the CMOS image sensor, so that the image is never transmitted to the main platform. This architecture is specially designed to meet the highest privacy standards.

Expanding our industry leading intelligent vision solutions into notebook computing is a great achievement,” said Yoram Zylberberg, CEO of Emza Visual Sense, “applying ultra low-power machine learning AI for notebooks is the key especially while device operation is suspended to extend the life of the battery. Leveraging the AI benefits that we developed for IoT and now applying it to notebook is a great demonstration of the agility of our solution and our readiness to adapt the technology for specific customer requirements.

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