Is Support For Venezuelan Opposition Leader Juan Guaido Weakening?

Venezuelan opposition leader and self-declared president Juan Guaido poses during an interview with AFP in Caracas on May 6, 2019 (AFP Photo/Ronaldo SCHEMIDT)

Jim Wyss, Morning Call/Miami Herald: As Guaido's popularity in Venezuela begins to dwindle, what's next for the opposition?

CUCUTA, Colombia Since he first stood on a stage Jan. 23 and announced he was seizing the presidency from Nicolas Maduro, Juan Guaido, the 35-year-old head of Venezuela's Congress, has embodied hope for change. With the backing of the U.S. and more than 50 other nations and the adoration of millions he made the country believe his slogan "vamos bien" we're doing well.

But last week's failed military uprising and a spate of violent but fruitless demonstrations have some wondering if Guaido, and the opposition at large, have what it takes to oust Maduro and end 20 years of single-party rule. Suddenly "vamos bien" is becoming harder for some to utter.

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Update: Support For Guaido Weakens As Weary Venezuelans Tire Of Violent Clashes (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: In disasters like Venezuela the public focus is not on opposition leader Juan Guaido and who supports him. The focus is on survival. And while I am sure there are many in Venezuela who are disappointed that Juan Guaido was not successful last week, his support is still there. On a side note, Guaido is right .... Backers 'failed to follow through' in abortive uprising, Guaido tells AFP (AFP).

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